Ever After
A special curated collection featuring some of the best loved pieces for contemporary and modern romantics, has been inspired by celebrating life’s momentous milestones where hearts tied and new memories are made.

Born to Be Wild
Being wild is a state of mind, a feeling of living up between reals and imagination, pioneering with a sensual and libertarian attitude. “Born to Be Wild” Collection dares to dream, pushing the boundaries of traditional looks.
Elegance is an

Pearly Dreams
A set with a design inherently inspired by deep blue lands and its epic pearl stories. This line is a journey towards the sunlight and moonlight, solar and divine light. Breaking free from the codes of design, moving into a natural echo.
Chain Miracle
It’s an inspirational Odyssey and developed around the idea of allowing freedom of movement. In this imaginary world where light reigns supreme, this collection illuminates the radiant skin of its miracles.